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Study Like… 
Vier humorige Musterbiographien, dem heranwachsenden Europäer zum launigen Vorbilde

Das Format "Study Like …" hat seinen Platz im "Diaphragm" (Zwerchfell) von Europe & Me. In loser Folge werden dort die Werdegänge und Karrierestarts historischer europäischer Persönlichkeiten vorgestellt – mit Einschränkung zur Nachahmung empfohlen.


Von mir gibt es vier solcher Erfolgsrezepte, die zwischen 2012 und 2014 bei Europe & Me erschienen:



Richard Wagner

Study Like… Richard Wagner, 1. Oktober 2012


"Next year will be his 200th birthday. This colossal composer fought his way through music, revolutionising it with his visionary ideas and leaving it lethally contaminated for generations to come. But following in hisfootsteps is a matter of gigantomania rather than of profession. Dare you study like Richard Wagner?"

(Europe & Me, Teaser)


Bild: Wikipedia.

Study Like… Lucius Sergius Catilina

1. Januar 2013


"E&M has revealed the ties between ancient Rome and contemporary Europe – so what would be more topical than studying like an ancient Roman? But not just any ancient Roman. Forget those eking out a pale, shadowy existence on our contemporary menu cards: the boring Caesar Salads, the cheap Neri d’Avola, not to mention the infamous Marcus Tullius Chick-pea paste. Face the one that’s worse than all the rest put together: Lucius Sergius Catilina."

(Europe & Me, Teaser)


Bild: Wikipedia.

Study Like… Immanuel Kant, 1. April 2013


"Mobility is the magic formula. Berlin-Paris – the time others spend in a commuter train. London-New York – a stone's throw across the pond. Job offer in Moscow – just the next metropolis to the east, Beijing the next but one. From Sciences Po to LSE, Cambridge, UK to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development work in Uganda is on every CV. This is them: the young, prospective European elite, those who are living Europe. Except that it's not."

(Europe & Me, Teaser)


Bild: Wikipedia.

Study Like… Goethe-and-Schiller

1. Juni 2013


"The master of the dramatic. The Poet Duke of German literature. Two-headed he stands on the pedestal. What was the first name of Goethe-and-Schiller? When is the birthday of Goethe-and-Schiller? Has anyone read Goethe-and-Schiller? High time for E&M to explore studying like Goethe-and-Schiller."

(Europe & Me, Teaser)


Bild: Graffito an einer Hauswand, Weimar. Photo: Christian Diemer

Goethe und Schiller, Weimar
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